Page 159 - Algunos poemas de la costa del Pacífico Norte G2021
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ALGUNOS POEMAS DE DE LA COSTA DEL PACÍFICO NORTE Í I I Dell Hymes _____ 1961 “American Indian music: the language” American American Indian Hobbyist 7: 41-45 Rexroth Kenneth 1961a “American Indian songs” Assays Connecticut: New Directions 52-68 _____ 1961b “The poet as translator” Assays Connecticut: New Directions 19-40 Riffaterre Michael 1961 “Thomas A Sebeok ed Style in Language” \[reseña\] Word 17: 318-344 Robins Robert H y N Mcleod 1956 “Five Yurok songs: A musical and textual analysis” Bulletin of the School for Oriental and African Studies 18-3: 592-609 _____ 1957 “A Yurok song without words” Bulletin of the School for Oriental and African Studies 20: 501-6 Rothenberg Jerome 1962 “From a a a shaman’s notebook” Poems from floating world vol 4 1-6 _____ 1968 Technicians of the sacred New York: Doubleday _____ 1972 Shaking the pumpkin New York: Doubleday Sebeok Thomas A 1960 ed Style in Language Cambridge: mit Snyder Gary 1960 Myths and Texts New York: Totem- Corinth Swanton John R 1911 “Haida” Franz Boas ed Handbook of American Indian Languages Washington: Government Printing Office 205-82 _____ 1912 Haida songs Leiden: American Ethnological Society 159