Page 616 - El cerebro ritual
P. 616

Serie Adugo biri I 19
Ruiz de de Alarcón Hernando 1953 Tratado de de las idolatrías supersticiones dioses ritos hechicerías y otras costumbres gentílicas de de las razas aborígenes de de México México México: Fuente Cultural Sahagún Fray Bernardino de de 1979 Historia general de de las co- sas de Nueva España México: Porrúa Said Edward 1979 Orientalism New York / Canadá: Random House Salcman Michael 1978 “A Hypothesis Concerning the the Struc- tural Relationship between Memory and Emotion” Me- dical Hypotheses 4-6 (noviembre-diciembre): 581-590 Sandner Donald 1991 Navaho Symbols of Healing: A Jun- gian Exploration of Ritual Image and Medicine Roch- ester / Vermont: Healing Arts Press Schechner Schechner Richard Richard 1973 “Richard Schechner Schechner on on Environ- mental Theater (Interview)” India International Centre Quaterly 10-2 (junio): 237-248 ______ 1977 Essays on Performance Theory New York: Drama Book Specialists ______ 1979 “Postmodern Performance: The End of Huma- nism” Performing Arts Journal 4 1-2: 9-22 ______ 1985 Between Theater and Anthropology Pennsylva- nia: University of Pensylvania Press ______ 1993 The Future of Ritual: Writings on Culture and Performance London: Routledge 616

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