Page 600 - El cerebro ritual
P. 600
Serie Adugo biri I 19
Clifford James 1981 “On Ethnographic Surrealism” Com- parative Studies in Society and History 23-4: 539-564 Códice Borgia famsi: Fundación para el Avance de los Estudios Mesoamericanos [ http://www famsi org/spanish/re- search/loubat/Borgia/thumbs0 html ]
Cordry Donald 1980 Mexican Masks Austin / Londres: University of Texas Press Cornford Francis 1961 The Origin of Attic Comedy New York: Doubleday Cottrell Leonard 1963 Realms of God Connecticut: New York Graphic Covell Carter Alan 1986 Folk Art and Magic: Shamanism in Korea Nueva Jersey: Hollym Publishers Crawford J P 1978 “The Anatomy of Emotion” Medical Hypotheses IV-4 (julio-agosto): 311-323 Critchley Simon 1992 The Ethics of Deconstruction: Derri- da and Levinas Massachusetts: Blackwell Davis Wade 1985 The Serpent and the Rainbow New York: Simon & Schuster Deleuze Gilles 1983 Cinéma I: L’ Image Mouvement París: Les Éditions de Minuit ______ 1988 “Les replies de la matière” Le Le Le pli: Leibnitz et le baroque París: Minuit ______ 1997 Coldness and Cruelty: Masochism New York: Zone 600